Join us for Sunday Worship Services at Immanuel Union Church
9:00 am Adult Sunday School
10:00 am Worship Service
9:00 am Adult Sunday School
10:00 am Worship Service
Your support and contributions are needed now more than ever. Your generous donation will help sustain our expenses while we are apart.
Our mission is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ. We exist to glorify our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to make true disciples throughout all the nations by means of community outreach, to minister the ordinances, to edify believers, and to do all that is sovereignly possible and Biblically permissible to magnify the name of Jesus.
Founded in 1893, Immanuel Union Church was incorporated to serve the needs of the residents of Prohibition Park We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of the amazing Westerleigh community!
Immanuel Union Church was established in 1893 as Christian in doctrine and Congregational in government to meet the needs of the local developing Westerleigh community. In 1962 we joined the United Church of Christ. It was noted that independent and individual churches had less national and global influence than one united denomination sp
Immanuel Union Church was established in 1893 as Christian in doctrine and Congregational in government to meet the needs of the local developing Westerleigh community. In 1962 we joined the United Church of Christ. It was noted that independent and individual churches had less national and global influence than one united denomination speaking and acting together in faith. Its purpose was and is: to proclaim in word and action the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to establish ecumenical relations; to seek justice and peace for all. Its original motto comes from John17 verse 21, "That they may all be one" and all are welcomed and invited to participate in the Lord's Supper. Full communion is encouraged and maintained with other Protestant denominations. Individual congregations remain autonomous and independent in matters of operation and ministry but guidance from the General Synod is respected and held in highest regard.
The UCC is always moving forward; tying faith to social justice, shaping cutting edge theology and serving an ever-changing world. It affirms that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, and honors the faith of the historic church as expressed in the ancient creeds and reaffirmed by the Protestant reformers.
The UCC is theologically liberal and notes that, "The Bible, though written in specific historical times and places, still speaks to us in our present condition". Thus, its newest motto is "God is still speaking,". Official literature uses inclusive language but retains historical Christian doctrine. Freedom of individual conscience, with guidance from the Holy Spirit, is emphasized.
For more information and a full Statement of Faith please visit www.ucc.org
Pastor Charlie (Charles) Baldini is a native of Brooklyn. Born and raised in Bensonhurst, he grew up and lived a life void of Jesus, and a life serving self. At 25 years old, Jesus captured his heart and changed it. His thirst for the knowledge of God sent him on his way to Columbia Bible College in Columbia, South Carolina (B.A.) and the
Pastor Charlie (Charles) Baldini is a native of Brooklyn. Born and raised in Bensonhurst, he grew up and lived a life void of Jesus, and a life serving self. At 25 years old, Jesus captured his heart and changed it. His thirst for the knowledge of God sent him on his way to Columbia Bible College in Columbia, South Carolina (B.A.) and then to Covenant Theological Seminary (M. Div).
Before accepting the call at Immanuel, Pastor Charlie served as a resident chaplain at Eger Health and Rehabilitation Center on SI and was known to residents and staff alike as “Charlie Chaplain”. Earlier ministries had his family starting Churches (Church Planting) in the Midwest and along the East Coast.
Pastor Charlie’s greatest joy in ministry is seeing people who were once dead in their sins become alive (and excited) in Christ Jesus as a result of the power of the Gospel.
His interests include studying and teaching the Bible and theology, spending time with his children and grandchildren. Pastor Charlie married his Bible College sweetheart, Leslie, in 1985, and together they raised 4 children, Rebekah (b. 1987), Sarah (b. 1989), Jonathan (b. 1991, d. 2017), and Benjamin (b. 1993). He is blessed with 2 son in laws, Ken and Jonathan and has 4 amazing grandchildren, Kaitlyn, Matthew, Mackenzie and Avery. Pastor Charlie is thankful for his almost 20 years at Immanuel and is excited to see what God does in the future through him as Pastor.
Organ Concert featuring
Trent Whisenant on
Immanuel Union Church's Pipe Organ.
Performed Saturday, Dec 14th 2024.
Watch Immanuel Union's portion of the New York Landmarks Conservancy
Virtual Statewide Sacred Sites Open House Tour.
Recorded live from Thursday, August 27th at 1:00 pm
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